Embarking on a journey to another country can be an experience of a lifetime. But it can also be stressful if you aren’t prepared. So, start planning, follow these 13 travel savvy tips, and get ready to explore the world worry-free!
1. Carry on essentials
Make sure you’re prepared by keeping your essentials handy in your carry-on bag. Plan on packing items you’d need if you were separated from your luggage for a day—medication, a toothbrush and toothpaste (maybe some AP24 Breath Spray, too!), LifePak Nano, and an extra change of underwear.
2. Stay hydrated—inside and out
Air travel can wreak havoc on your skin and body, so bring a refillable water bottle, and drink your water often to avoid dehydration. Make sure to pack Nu Skin Hand Lotion, Moisture Restore Day, Sunright Lip Balm, and travel spritzer of NaPCA Moisture Mist to pull out whenever your skin needs a boost of moisture. Don’t forget to pack your Sunright sunscreen to protect your skin while you explore, too!
3. Avoid jetlag
Once you arrive at your destination, get outside in the sunlight to help your body reset its natural clock, then stay up until bedtime. If you have trouble falling asleep, try Pharmanex Night Time Formula, and if you need a little energy boost, sprinkle some Pharmanex E2 in your water.
4. Stay warm and comfortable
Airplanes are notoriously chilly, so bring a light jacket to wear on the plane. Also make sure to also pack comfortable tennis shoes so you can discover your destination without discomfort. Finally, remember you can’t always control the noise in your hotel or the light that comes in from the window, so pack some earplugs and a sleep mask.
5. Prepare for the worst
Buy or put together an on-the-go first aid kit to stow in your carry-on. Stock up on items like adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, Epoch Hand Sanitizer, tissues, and pain reliever for upset stomach and body aches. Other items to consider are a mini sewing kit and instant stain remover pen.
6. Picture yourself in an exotic place
You can find beautiful pictures of anything on the web. But photos of you at these places are one-of-a-kind, so make sure you’re in the photos you capture. Or, if you tend to snap selfies whenever and wherever you can, be aware of high-traffic areas and avoid blocking people in your quest for the perfect shot. Also, be respectful in sacred places and refrain from taking photos if you’re asked to do so.
7. Learn the lingo
Learn a few key words and helpful phrases before you go. Consider things like: Hello, Goodbye, Thank you, How much does this cost?, etc.
8. Note your location
Write down the name and address of your hotel before you leave for your trip. Once there, grab a few hotel business cards that you can hand to drivers or show locals if you get lost.
9. Mind your money
DON’T change your money at airports—they have the worst rates. Also, consider keeping a stash of emergency cash on hand, just in case. Finally, let your bank or credit card company know when and where you’ll be traveling in advance, so your account doesn’t get locked while you’re there!
10. Thwart thieves
When you go out, take only what you need. Consider leaving some credit cards and cash behind. Also, avoid using money belts or putting things you don’t want stolen in your back pocket. That’s the easiest place for pick-pockets to snatch things.
11. Chronicle your adventures
That funny thing the waiter said to you, the taste of the dessert you couldn’t get enough of, the name of the local girl you talked to for an hour? It’ll all be gone and forgotten unless you keep a journal, so commit to writing in your journal every night for 15 minutes.
12. Copy that!
Make copies of your passport and other important documents to keep with you in case you lose the originals, and email copies of them to yourself before you leave. Also, check your passport expiration date. If six months or fewer remain, you will not be permitted to travel internationally.
13. Leave space for souvenirs
If you plan on shopping a lot, pack a lightweight bag in your suitcase that folds down to practically nothing. Just be prepared to pay an extra fee if you need to check the bag when you return.
Now that you’re ready, get out and explore new places, meet new people, immerse yourself in other cultures, make incredible memories, and revel in the wonders this world has to offer.